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Are there any specific considerations for halal capsules in terms of ingredients and manufacturing processes?

Yes, there are specific considerations for halal capsules in terms of ingredients and manufacturing processes. Here are a few key points to consider:

1. Gelatin source: Gelatin is commonly used as the shell material for capsules. However, the source of gelatin must be halal for the capsules to be considered halal. Gelatin derived from non-halal sources, such as pork or non-slaughtered animals, is not permissible in halal capsules.
2. Halal certification: Manufacturers of halal capsules must obtain a halal certification from a recognized halal certifying authority. This certification ensures that the ingredients used, including the gelatin, comply with halal standards.
3. Production process: The production process of halal capsules should adhere to specific requirements to prevent cross-contamination with non-halal substances. Dedicated equipment and facilities may be necessary to avoid any contamination during production.
4. Traceability: To ensure halal integrity, manufacturers should have a robust system in place to track and trace the ingredients used in the production of halal capsules. This ensures that no non-halal or doubtful ingredients are included, and proper documentation is maintained.
5. Monitoring and audits: Regular monitoring and audits of the manufacturing process by halal certifiers help ensure that halal standards are consistently followed. This includes ingredient sourcing, production practices, storage, labeling, and overall halal integrity.

Starch Cellulose Hollow Capsules

Product introduction: Hydroxypropyl starch hollow capsules are plant hard capsules made of pure natural pregelatinized starch, which largely meet the needs of natural capsule preparations.
Product Category: Pharmaceutical Excipients
Product application: Starch hollow capsules can effectively mask the taste and odor, are easy to swallow, protect the stomach from drug irritation, greatly improve the absorption rate and utilization rate of drugs, and are in line with the dietary habits of people with special religious beliefs and vegetarians.
Product advantages: Starch hollow capsules have a long shelf life, low friability, and stable chemical properties, which greatly reduces product transportation and storage costs.